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Building Energy Reduction Tips

Facilities & Real Estate Services

3101 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6289


Date:   December 21, 2020

To:       Building Administrators / Area Managers

From:   Walter Molishus, Director of Trades

Ref:     Holiday Season Energy Conservation

Normally this is the time of the year where we look for additional energy saving opportunities that can be initiated over the winter break in order to reduce utility cost as well as to support the President’s initiative to lower our carbon foot print. This year due to operational changes made as a direct result of the pandemic and in collaboration with all of the schools and centers, many air handling schedules modifications have been initiated over the last weeks and months that have already greatly contributed to a reduction in our energy usage. 

With the expectation that there will be even fewer people on campus over this winter break, we are asking that you survey your buildings for any additional opportunities that may be available for temperature setbacks as well as air handling unit scheduling modifications during the winter break. Most of the schools/centers have been participating in temperature setbacks during unoccupied hours without issue. We are asking that you allow us to extend these setbacks further into the day during the winter break.  Please provide us with a list of any buildings that can have their air handling units secured or their operating schedules further modified. Please forward this information to me as soon as possible but, no later than Wednesday 12/23/20 so that OCC can take the necessary actions to implement any additional modifications.

Finally, please walk your buildings before adjourning for the holiday break to secure any unnecessary lighting, individual fan coil units in unoccupied spaces, computers and other electronic equipment not being utilized. Also, please set back all thermostats in unoccupied spaces and, close any open windows. These little steps can quickly add up to big savings.

Thanks in advance for your support and assistance with this endeavor. Stay Safe and enjoy the Holiday Season!


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